This is a workshop designed to delve into stories, looking for the archetypal meaning that sets a woman’s inner life as she navigates the many challenges of daily living. The stories are classical stories, such as Bluebeard, or The Ugly Duckling. Delving into life’s meaning through stories enables women to move beyond hurts that blocks their creative self. This workshop runs for four consecutive weeks, four times per year, following the natural solstice of the moon. Each solstice calls forth a different story or archetype. This group is held on zoom and is open to women. Cost of this group is $75.00

The next workshop begins on Thursday March 2, 2023 from 4:30 to 6:00 PM and we will be diving into the creative river, clearing the river so we can create. More information upon request.


JOURNAL TO THE SELF (Kathleen Adams, M.A.)

This is a workshop designed to “write your own story” in a journal format. Writing about past events, past hurts, present dilemas, or future goals is a therapeutic way to dig deep and learn about self. The goal is to understand self through writing and sharing by creating a journal of your own. This workshop is 8 weeks long, meeting once a week, on zoom, beginning in the month of November. This also is a woman’s group. Sharing of the journal is optional, writing is the therapy. The cost of this group is $80.00 per month. The size of this group is limited to ten people so we will have time to share or listen to those who want to share!